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Telling a Story

Being able to stand up in front of a group of people and talk is a life skill. We build this skill in a variety of ways each year, and February is our play month. Between snow days and February vacation, we ended up sneaking into the beginning of March to get our plays ready for public consumption. But this last week, our students performed two Haudenosaunee folk tales: How the Birds Got Their Feathers and Owl's Eyes. We had been learning about the Haudenosaunee through stories throughout the month of February, and the children picked these two as their favorite.

We threw our regular schedule largely out the window as we focused much of our day on writing the scripts, making sets, making costumes, and practicing our lines and staging over and over again. We even spent Thursday at the Gallupville House so that we could get comfortable in the space.

All of their hard work paid off on Friday, when they did their performances. They glowed with pride and told each other what a great job they did. And they were entirely correct.

Morgan's PK and K Class * worked on the number 15 and the different ways to make 15 by using pom-poms *made a long line of pom-poms and tried to count them! *explored shaving cream while practicing our letters and numbers *used play dough to try and make things we would find in nature (inspired by animal tracks and animal books) *worked with geo-boards and tried to fit 15 rubber bands on! *worked on sight words with beginner reader's books *practiced our parts for the school play!


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